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Add more wellness to your daily life with five of our favorite (simple!) healthy habits.

Here's how it works:

5 days daily email icon
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For five days, receive a daily email from us—each email includes a simple tip & activity to thrive daily.

Complete the thrivyest activity each day.

(it'll take no more than 10 minutes, promise!)

Check out the bonus resources if you’re interested.

At the end of the 5 days, continue incorporating the activities into your daily routine!  Share with a friend.

Here's how it works:

email icon

For five days, receive a daily email from us—each email includes a simple tip & activity to thrive daily.

checkmark icon

Complete the thrivyest activity each day.

(it'll take no more than 10 minutes, promise!)

computer icon

Check out the bonus resources if you’re interested.

like icon

At the end of the 5 days, continue incorporating the activities into your daily routine!  Share with a friend.

we’ll cover nutrition, physical activity, gratitude, & more.

Some of the activities you may have tried before, some you may already do regularly (awesome!), and some may be entirely new to you.

All activities are designed to support your overall health & well-being

Each activity is simple and can be completed in about 10 minutes. These activities are meant to encourage you in your wellness journey; whether related to nutrition, physical activity, gratitude, or other.

You'll be able to add, these activities to your morning & evening routines with ease as you begin taking steps to improving your health.

5 Days to Thrive can certainly be done on your own, but aren't most things more enjoyable done with a friend? Share these emails with a friend and hold each other accountable to opening the emails daily and participating in each activity - sharing the results with one another. what you liked, didn't like, and how you'll incorporate these into your daily routine.

Nutrition Education and Accountability is what we're ALL about  - think of us as Head Motivator - in charge of just the right push you need to follow through on the promises you've made to yourself. 5 Days to Thrive is just a taste to make you hungry for creating healthy habits

emily moss weightloss accountability coach and lifestyle nutrition expert

What People Are Saying...

thrivyest customer thumbnail

  “A welcome challenge & great tips to add into my daily routine”

thrivyest customer thumbnail

“Loved it! Wish it was longer.”

thrivyest customer thumbnail

I looked forward to the emails & discovered something new each day"

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Not only valuable insights but simple & practical activities."


     Ready. Set. Start.


How long do the activities take to complete?

We suggest about 10 minutes each day to complete the activities. Don’t worry if you can’t fit one into your schedule—just try it out later in the week when you’re able. The goal is simply to have some fun while discovering new ways to add wellness to your daily life!

Can I invite my friends?

Of course! (In fact, we recommend it!) After signing up you’ll be given the option to invite a friend to join the free course with you.

Do I need special materials or equipment?

Nope! These activities are designed to work for anyone, anywhere. There is one item you may not have on hand, but we let you know about it right away and it’s easy to get—and under $1.00

What will I get out of this?

New tips, tools and resources for adding more ways to thrive  to your daily life! This means feeling better—more energized, less stressed, and more in control of the habits that impact your health.

thrivyest watermelon image example - plans to eat healthy
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